Thursday, May 05, 2005

Runaway Bride is a Moron

Wilbanks: 'I was ... running away from myself'.

Dude, getting on a bus doesn't get you away from yourself or your problems.

You humiliated a man willing to put up with your crazy ass, for the rest of his life, scared your family and wasted policemen's time,money and energy, along with a slew of big hearted volunteers looking for you while you kept seats warm on a Greyhound.

With all the sh*t going on in the world and all the families who are mourning over actual deaths in th world - you are now "healing"? Healing from what? Being a self centered snob?

Its okay - I know when life gets to me, I always think its rational to chop off my hair, run out on $100 K wedding and abandon my future husband while making the whole country think the worst has happened to me.

Running away from yourself? What are you going to do when you have kids? Hop in a hot air balloon and then claim you are being held hostage by Hispanics? Grow up. Shut up. Spoiled, ungrateful brat.

And one more thing, you keep having your Pastor be a spokesperson - as if you were some kind of saint. If you had such strong faith and were as spiritual and filled with devotion to God, as you keep trying to make yourself out to be, you would go to your Pastor and God before Greyhound.

For more on the most selfish person alive go to:


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