Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Jerry Falwell's pneumonia caused by gay people & teletubbies

This sack of shi* said 9/11 was brought on, by gay people;
for existing. I really don't care that he is in critical
condition. I hope he has a flamboyant,gay doctor taking care of him


Jesse Jackson's speech on Terri

Jesse Jackson joins fight for Schiavo's life

Here is what Jesse had to say: (Ps I am not making fun of Terry. I making fun of Jesse Jackson).

Terry neats to eat

It is okay if it just a beet

Although, me personally, Jesse
Likes meat.

When Jeb & George won’t come to the rescue,
Jesse will bless you.

Terri’s husband wants her dead.
When you write me, make sure you use a No. 2 pencil, not one with lead.

Sh*t happens, and it will kill you

This man was killed by manure.