Saturday, June 04, 2005


Couple Celebrates 80th Wedding Anniversary

UPDATED: 8:21 am EDT June 2, 2005

LONDON -- Percy and Florence Arrowsmith, who celebrated their 80th wedding anniversary Wednesday, say the secrets of the world's longest marriage are don't sleep on an argument, always share a kiss and hold hands before going to bed.

Percy Arrowsmith, 105, and his 100-year-old wife were married on June 1, 1925. They met at their church in Hereford in western England, where he sang in the choir and she was a Sunday school teacher.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

My fav band is releasing a new cd, this Fall

Yay! Just in time for my birthday:

"It's far more aggressive than, you know, our last few records, I'd say. I think we kinda just went in this
time and just started writing, and obviously, all the stuff that came out was just way aggressive. That's what
kind of made it fun. It was weird being out in Malibu, which is like a sunny place, a happy place, and we
just started making some straight evil music. We've spent a lot of time going into it and making it something
special, we've spent a lot more time on it than on our last record so it's going other places" - Chino Moreno

Tentative Release Date: Fall of 2005
Producer: Bob Ezrin