Saturday, February 05, 2005

I am ashamed to admit this but..

Kelly Clarksen's new cd is pretty good. It is at least good work out music.

Maybe you shouldn't have gotten married so quickly

I am against the war and all but maybe these people shouldn't had gotten married in less than two months of knowing each other.

I am like the most romantic person but lets be practical here.

Obviously, it takes a lot to be a supportive spouse but it 'd be harder to cope with something like this when you have only been through 60 days of being with someone.

Marriage isn't all fun & games - they are all like "We spend our time together going to the Dr."...woe is you. That is life. Deal with it. Don't go crying to CNN.
I feel worse for the orphaned children who were victims of the tsunami.

View the full story @:

Monday, January 31, 2005

I'll take a cab and a relationship

This is funny & cute.
Where did you guys meet? A cab - through Ali Babba Bindi Ibrahami. LOL

Sunday, January 30, 2005

This is some of the Book I Never Finished Writing

It makes from fun of Men are From Mars..Women are From Venus (which is the worst book next to Chief Moose's book) -anyway my book is called "We Are All From the Same Planet - Deal With It.

Maybe I should send this to Maxim?

Chapter 1: Men Are Not Mice - Don't Set a Trap

You have to give your man room to breathe - especially
after the honeymoon phase.
You are supposed to love someone for who they are
and that means the hobbies and friends they come with.

If your man is great to you and all he wants is a night
or so partaking in his hobbies, hanging out with his friends
but he makes time for you - then don't lecture him about his
"frat-boy -like" friends or his dedication to watching
Sunday football.

Now if he makes absolutely no time for you then
I wouldn't blame it on his adoration for sports because clearly
he is not interested. Wake up and smell the coffee and look at the
empty bed and move on with your life.

But seriously,don't take away any joy that comes
from -not you.
You, regardless of how much you adore him or vise-versa,
were not put on earth to be his sole interest. Deal with it.
(Also, sometimes just knowing you are not a Nazi,
will enable him to sincerely want you around).

Valentine's Day gift ideas

I posted this last week but then I realized most people don't do things in advance the way I do so here you go again:

Much like Christmas, I am not a big fan of this holiday - its gay and over priced and people should give each other flowers, cards & gifts all year not because society tells you to.

But enough with my banter, here are some reasonably priced gift ideas (okay so the tie rack isn't that cheap but the others are), for those of you who do appreciate the holiday and/or your mate does.

Jokes for the day

Q: Why does Snoop Dogg carry an umbrella?

A: Fo’ drizzle.

Compliments of Maxim

What does J.Lo and a doorknobs have in common?

Everyone gets a turn.

Compliments of

Ladies, we MUST drink liquor to stay sharp