Saturday, January 22, 2005

Well, here is someone who should get "Mom of the Year" Award

Joke of the week

How can you tell if a republican is actually dead?

Who cares?

This person posted a note on their site to honor a dead bird..

What a reject..

I bet the obituary looked something like this:

Callie was a great bird.
As a loser with no life, Callie was all I had.
When she shed her feathers, I made super cool boas.
Mostly she ate, slept and pooped.

Callie leaves behinds her sons Dodo and Big Bird.
(I love when people post the remaining family members - its like haha you died but look we are still alive).

R.I.P Callie


Imaginary Friend for Electrical Work
Reply to:
Date: Fri Nov 19 12:29:55 2004

I'm in a bind and forced to barter my imaginary friend for some quality electrical work. Need a couple of can lights and other lights installed.

I hate to part with my imaginary friend, or Buddy as I call him. Buddy has been with me for years. Buddy's a good friend. Never complains and is dependable. Buddy won't forget to drive you home after a night on the town! Buddy's not too smart, but that can be good. Buddy goes along with everything you want to do - even if it's really stupid.

Unlike other "real" friends, Buddy is perfect if you're in a relationship. He doesn't mind sharing you with others - after all, you're Buddy's only friend.

So if you know electrical stuff and need a good, dependable imaginary friend, give me a call. Here's a picture of Buddy so you know what you're getting.

(PS: Go to this link to see hilarious pic accompanied with the ad):

The Christian Fanatics Are At It Again

Don't these guys have better stuff to do like run the 700 Club and make fun of people who have minds of their own or who are Pro-choice?

Friday, January 21, 2005

Are You Kidding Me?

This lunatic is actually plead not guilty?? I hope she gets the crap kicked out of her in jail, Jeffrey Dahmer style.

I mean this poor husband of the baby, has to live without his wife and she wants to act innocent? PS: Cutting someone open and killing them is not very innocent.

Clearly she is guilty of pre-meditated murder, of stealing a fetus and for being the ugliest woman ever to live.

Alright, I'm done being the moral-righteous police for the moment.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Like Father, Like Daughter

It is like the bad 80's drug commerical "I learned it from watching YOU, Dad.

The Guy Who Had Nail in His Head and Didn't Know It..

is going to make pizza's for a living.

"I didn't realize that there is cheese on pizza" will probably be the first thing he says after he makes that first pizza, at his new job.

Maybe he should think about getting a job with medical insurance, because he didn't have it when he had put nail in his head.

Monday, January 17, 2005

How do Your Have a Nail in Your Skull and Not Know It?

Read the full story:

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Hurry now - She WILL throw them away if you DON'T reply soon!!

Baby Food Jars

Reply to:
Date: 2005-01-08, 10:19PM EST
I have: 14 BABY FOOD JARS (I saved them up for craft projects but ended up with more than I needed) Free to anyone who wants to pick them up. I'd rather give them to someone than trash them, but if they're not taken in the next few days I'm throwing them out. this is in or around Alexandria it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

Its wedding annoucement week for celebs

First Vince Neil -now rapper Nas is getting married.

Both Vince & Nas have put in thier vows "Babe, I'll be loyal for life, except when I hook up with groupies, back up dancers and all the girls who were once devoted to hooking up with R Kelly before he became such a loser.